플러터(Flutter)/플러터 일반(Flutter General)

플러터와 다트 (Flutter & Dart)

SuperKid 2020. 1. 9. 19:01



* 플러터란 무엇인가? (What is Flutter?)

 - one code base iOS, android app 개발을 가능하게 해줌.

 - flutter에서는 widget 이용해 app 다양한 해상도의 device size responsive하게 반응하도록 하는 기능을 편리하게 구현할 있음. (예 : Expanded widget 등)

 - flutter device window 위에 다양한 widget 이용해서 layout 구성하고 기능을 넣음.


* 왜 플러터를 사용해야 하는가? (플러터의 장점)

 - flutter dart language 의한 one code base maintain 가능하게 해줌.

 - flutter 활용 범위는 현재의 iOS, android app 넘어서 desktop program web으로 확대될 것임.

 - dart 강력한 tool Google AdWords, Google Fiber Google 주요 software 개발에 사용되었다.

 - Google chrome 개발자들이 flutter 개발에 참여하였음. web design 많은 유용한 개념들이 flutter에도 적용되었음. 또한 dart javascript와도 사용법이 매우 유사함.

 - coding 내용을 저장하거나 hot reload 기능키를 누르면 app UI 즉시 반영되는  Hot reloading 기능이 지원됨.

 - widget 클릭(command + enter)해서 original source code 접근이 가능하므로 개발시 이해도와 편의성을 높여줌. (iOS에서는 기능의 source code 접근이 불가능함.) --> builtin widget source code 이용해서 자신만의 customizing widget 만들어서 사용할 있음. (예 : FloatingActionButton RawMaterialButton 기반으로 만들어졌으므로 RawMaterialButton 이용한 새로운 button 생성이 가능함.)




* What is flutter? (What is Flutter?)

- One code base enables iOS and android app development.

 - In flutter, you can use widgets to implement a feature that makes your app responsive to device sizes of different resolutions. (E.g. Expanded widget, etc.)

 - flutter configures the layout using various widgets on a blank window on the device and adds functionality.


* Why should I use flutter? Advantages of the flutter

 - flutter enables one-code base maintain by dart language.

 - The flutter application will extend beyond the current iOS and android apps to desktop programs and the web.

 - Dart was used to develop Google's major software, including powerful tools such as Google AdWords and Google Fiber.

 - The developers of Google chrome participated in the flutter development. Many useful concepts of web design have also been applied to flutter. Dart is also very similar in usage to javascript.

 - Hot reloading function that is immediately reflected in app UI is supported by saving coding or pressing hot reload function key.

 - The original source code can be accessed by clicking on the widget(command + enter), which improves understanding and convenience during development. (In iOS, the source code of each function is not accessible.)

 -> You can create your own customizing widget using the source code of the builtin widget. (E.g. FloatingActionButton is based on RawMaterialButton, so you can create a new button using RawMaterialButton.)